

是的! All high ceremonies will be recorded for livestreaming purposes. 随着网易彩票app离毕业典礼越来越近,直播链接将会发布在毕业典礼的主页上. 稍后您将可以在网易彩票app的网站上观看直播的录音 liverstream页面,但这些链接可能要到婚礼后一周左右才能提供. 注意: 其他摄像师不得进入赛场或看台的过道.


斯坦福大学将继续使用去年为2024年毕业典礼设计的新徽章. As part of every undergraduate’s regalia package, 一件特别设计的SPU披肩将是你的徽章套装的一部分. 此外,Josten's有广泛的亲和力偷窃选择 available for purchase.

Have questions about tassel colors? 访问网易彩票appDegree Types and Tassel Colors page.

有很多 酒店 in the area, in close proximity to SPU.

Will there be any retail options open 在周五, June 7?

The SPU 书店 will also be open 8:30 a.m.–6 p.m. 在周五.. 

艾薇切割 is an outdoor ceremony. What happens if it rains that day?

We have a rain plan in place. 如果有恶劣天气预报,它就会生效, including heavy rain and/or thunder and lightning. 如果下雨计划付诸实施,学生将收到通知.


Is there ADA seating available in Tiffany Loop, for 艾薇切割?

如果您有坐轮椅的客人或需要靠近人行道的座位,请与网易彩票app联系 graduationinfo@skygame168.net. We can make arrangements for a few companion seats as well.


网易彩票app建议把车开进罗斯停车场,就在3街对面rd 大街. W. 在蒂芙尼环线,在停车前送你的客人.

Commencement at t - mobile公园

I have guests who have difficulty with mobility. Where is the best place to drop them off in front of the t - mobile公园?

只有在第一大道东侧下车的ADA客人才有有限的可用性. S. right in front of the Home Plate Entrance. 志愿者将在现场指导和协助ADA客人乘坐专用电梯和ADA座位. 客人可以在水手停车场和球场附近的许多周边地点停车. 水手停车场可容纳高度不超过7英尺的车辆.

停车位-只有持有国家颁发的残疾人停车牌照或许可证的车辆才能进入这些区域. For more information, visit 水手.com/Parking

Is there ADA seating available at t - mobile公园?

对于使用轮椅或助行器的客人,ADA座位(带一个伴座)是可用的. 毕业生必须通过联系 graduationinfo@skygame168.net.Please ask one of our volunteers for assistance upon arrival. 


I have a guest with a hearing impairment. Will there be sign language interpretation or captioning?

是的. 在常春藤剪彩和毕业典礼上都会有手语翻译. 如果您有客人需要坐在口译员附近,请联系 graduationinfo@skygame168.net. For the ceremony at t - mobile公园, 有听力或视力障碍的客人可在比赛期间免费使用传输球场音频的辅助助听设备. 请到主客服务中心128区领取设备或了解更多信息.

Will outside food be permitted in t - mobile公园?

Outside food is permitted in single-serving sizes. 密封, clear plastic water bottles up to 32oz, 婴儿奶瓶, beverages related to medical needs, 和未开封, 像果汁盒这样的软面单份容器是允许的. Soda, coffee or other beverages are not allowed. 客人也可以携带一个32盎司或更小的可重复使用的空塑料瓶. These items will be subject to a security check. Only clear bags can be brought into t - mobile公园. 

Is there a place to buy flowers or leis?

There is no official flower vendor, 但经常有人在竞技场外卖花和花环. 为了安全起见,网易彩票app建议您在入场前提前购买鲜花.

Are balloons allowed in t - mobile公园?

不幸的是,没有. 所有进入竞技场的客人将在主要入口接受安全检查. 不允许携带气球、沙滩球、充气物品和包裹物品进入赛场.


There is no place to lock up, 安全, 或者在婚礼期间留下个人物品和钱包. 你要么把东西留给你的客人,要么自己带着. 手机很方便,这样你就可以让你的客人知道在游行队伍中哪里可以找到你. t - mobile公园 has implemented a 清袋政策 对于所有事件.

  • 允许使用不大于12" x 6" x 12"的透明塑胶袋或乙烯基袋. One gallon clear plastic zip-top bags are also allowed.
  • 安检人员必须能看到里面的东西,并能识别袋子底部的物品. Items may not be used to obscure the view of bag contents, including but not limited to non-clear bags, 袋, 等. Bags with interior contents obscured from view are not allowed.
  • Small clutch bags no larger than 4.5" x 6.5英寸是允许的. (Bags do not have to be clear plastic or vinyl.)
  • 背包、多格包、行李袋和大于4个的钱包.5"x6.5" are not permitted. 医疗用品或单格尿布袋除外(儿童必须在场).

Grad Images是毕业典礼的官方摄影公司. 他们将为每个获得文凭的毕业生拍照, 毕业典礼结束后不久,毕业生将收到一封证明信. You can contact the company at 1-800-628-4509, or by visiting gradimages.com. 其他摄影师不得进入赛场或看台的过道.

是的! 2024年毕业典礼是为所有2024年完成学位的学生准备的, including in Summer and Autumn of 2024.

毕业典礼上分发没有毕业证书的毕业证书. 完成所有要求后,您将获得毕业证书, your grades have been posted for your degree, and all financial obligations to the University (i.e. 罚款)得到满足. 春季毕业生应在9月中旬和夏季毕业生应在12月中旬获得文凭.

SPU计划在毕业周末期间遵守适用的COVID-19法律要求. 网易彩票app的理解是,适用规则不要求戴口罩, proof of vaccination, or proof of a negative COVID-19 test at this time. However, people are welcome to wear a mask if they wish. 也, 如果规则改变, 或者t - mobile公园是否为场地增加了特定的要求, we will follow those updated requirements.


Unanswered questions?

If you still can't find your answer here, 致电首席学术官办公室206-281-2508或电子邮件 graduationinfo@skygame168.net.